Liquid Afrobeat

SKU: FC-A-O-L-0-371
Height: 20.00 Inches
Width: 20.00 Inches
Depth: 2.00 Inches
Stock: 0

An original painting by Fanta Celah. Medium: Acrylic on canvas, gallery wrapped .

This painting is a part of the Henna Collection, and it was exhibited in Dakar 2012 in Dakar, Senegal.

Due to the bright blue hues and geometric/ vortex-esque design in the center, this painting can actually be used as color therapy/ chakra healing in your home. representing the Blue Ray/ Throat Chakra.The throat chakrais the energy center within our bodies associated with communication, truth, and self-expression. Located at the base of the neck, the throat chakra is connected to the color blue and the element of aether. This chakra is responsible for regulating the energy associated with authenticity, creativity, and understanding.

Follow the link for more info on Throat Chakra healing....


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